Sunday, March 01, 2009

snow day

The weatherman was actually right.

Friday was short sleeves, open toed shoes and bright pastels to welcome in spring. By 5 a wicked cold wind blew in from the southwest, and the sky got mean. Saturday was rain that turned into tiny disco ball hail that magically turned into big chunky snow.

Mom and Dad took the baby to their toddler paradise in Gtown, so I grabbed my camera and head immediately for Victorian Village and surroundings. I was happy to see some other brave shutterbugs who had the same idea. As I watched the snow fall on the tower of the James Lee house, I couldn't help but wonder what a sight this must have been for the original occupants. The world got very quiet and very, very pretty. Pics!

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.


Beverly said...

so beautiful...they look so quiet and still. thank you for braving the cold so I could see these wonderful pictures.

Anonymous said...

These are gorgeous shots that would make James Lee proud of how his house still looks!

Melissa said...

Thank you so much! Comments make me all warm and fuzzy against the cold :)

Anonymous said...

Really nice work, Melissa.

Anonymous said...

These are great shots of Victorian Village.
I work with Victorian Village Inc. CDC we are a non profit organization.
Would you please contact me, we would like to ask you if you would share your photos with us to add to our collection. My email is
our website is
